For most part there is no need for a game to use the application management functions as they are really developer functions for the registering of applications. This functionality is handled by the website.
It is however optional for a game to have a more specific user list by knowing who is also within the specific game. This is done by calling the appuser_statuslist function. A game can update the user's status within the game by calling the appuser_setstatus function. If a game never makes use of appuser_setstatus, then it will never be possible to know whether a user has a particular game or not.
Application Management API functions.
function: app_minelist
parameters: <secretuid>, <offset>, <limit>
response: list of <secretaid>, <aid>, <name>, <status>, <statusdescription>, <uidcount>
description: Get selfs app list.
function: app_register
parameters: <secretuid>, <name>, <newsecretaid>
response: <secretaid> or <error>, email sent
description: Register a new app. When calling app_register, if newsecretaid is left blank, then one will be automatically allocated. The reason to allow this to be overtyped is when migrating from one server to another, eg: from development to production. Otherwise having it auto allocate is best.
function: app_setabout
parameters: <secretuid>, <secretaid>, <text>
response: true or false
description: Set the about of a selfs app.
function: app_setstatus
parameters: <secretuid>, <secretaid>, <status>
response: true or false
description: Set the status of selfs app.
function: app_unregister
parameters: <secretuid>, <secretaid>
response: true or false
description: Unregister a selfs app.
General Application API functions.
function: app_alllist
parameters: <secretuid>, <offset>, <limit>
response: list of <aid>, <name>, <status>, <statusdescription>, <uidcount>
description: List all apps.
function: app_getabout
parameters: <secretuid>, <uid>
response: <text>
description: Get a apps about.
function: app_getstatus
parameters: <secretuid>, <aid>
response: <name>, <status>
description: Get the status of a app (*usually checked by a app).