8bitology API - API Usage

The 8bitology API is based around properties being sent to and retrieved from the server.

Two forms of messaging are currently supported. First is the recommended and simpler for small memory machines which is via URI Parameters. The second is via a JSON message format. For the URI method, 1 represents true and 0 represents false.

Web Server details to come...

URI Request Example


URI Reponse Example


JSON Request Example

{ function:"user_register",
{ name:"emailaddress", value:"<emailaddress>" },
{ name:"name", value:"<name>" },
{ name:"password", value:"<password>" }
] }

JSON Response Example

{ responsecode:true, message:"", response:[<data as a json object>] }
{ responsecode:false, error:"" }


The API calls make use of a lot of IDs. The IDs generally can be secret or public. The secret ones shouldn't be shared but due to the nature of the URI API method they will be able to be caught via proxies and firewalls - there is no helping with that. In any case, this isn't quite as critical as a payment gateway and the security method is fairly good given the options available. Secret IDs will be either server allocated or authenticated but not shared to other users within the system. Typically they are owned by an owner and are used for a user to access their own information at an elevated level. Normal IDs also are secure within a session but they are not secret as such and is what the API uses to allow a user to access other user's information. Sessions are maintained using a user's already authenticated secret ID.