8BML (8-bit Markup Language) v1 =============================== Updated: 2017-08-15 In the public domain. A markup language suitable for slow memory constrained 8-bit computers with PHP tools to aid in the creation of websites that can render both standard HTML and 8BML. REFERENCE Notes: - 8BML commands have comma separated parameters. The commands themselves are separated by a colon. - A page should be a continuous stream of characters with no unnecessary whitespace or carriage returns. - Double Quotes contained within a value should be preceeded with a \. - If you use the PHP utils available within this site to generate pages that are both HTML/8BML compatible it will handle the escaping transparently. - To fetch an 8BML-enabled page in 8BML, the URL should be provided with the '8bml' URL parameter, e.g. 8bml.php?8bml= - To check the resulting size of an 8BML-enabled page, the URL should be provided with the 'rendersize' URL parameter, e.g. 8bml.php?8bml=&rendersize= - Valid Image Format IDs: 1=jpg, 2=png, 3=gif, 4=Amstrad CPC. - Valid Music Format IDs: 1=Amstrad CPC. Below is a reference to the 8BML commands. Command Summary: -.<>bdhilmnpstvwxyz ---------------------------------------- -"","" Start of Page = the version of the markup, will only change if future version become non-backward compatible. 8BML browsers should be hardcoded to support the returned version only. = the title of the current page. ---------------------------------------- . End of Page ---------------------------------------- < Go back to previous page. ---------------------------------------- >"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" Display a row of up to 10 links toolbar style. ---------------------------------------- b"" Bold Text = bold text. ---------------------------------------- d"","" Download Link = a URL to the resource to download. = a text description of the resource to download. ---------------------------------------- h Horizontal Line ---------------------------------------- i"","","","","" Image = the format id of the image. = a URL to the image. = a text description of the image. = the width of the image. = the height of the image. ---------------------------------------- l"","","" Linked Page = a URL to a page. = t to open in a new tab, l to left justify, r to right justify. = a text description of the linked page. ---------------------------------------- m"","" Music = the format id of the music. = a url to the music to play. ---------------------------------------- n Newline ---------------------------------------- p"" Page Heading = a page heading. ---------------------------------------- s"" A Sub Heading = a sub heading. ---------------------------------------- t"" Page Text = standard page text. ---------------------------------------- v"","","","","","","","","" Display a row of up to 10 columns in a table, the headings have 2 parameter per column, the rows 2 parameters per column. The second column for headings is an optional type value of 'actions'. If the heading is of this type, then multiple actions/URLs can be separated in the row of that column by a pipe '|' character. ---------------------------------------- w"","","","",""... A Form Select Which Field = the name of the form select field. = a code that represents an that is submitted with the form. = the text of an option visible to the user. ... ---------------------------------------- x"","" Submit a form = the url where to submit the form to. = the action to submit. ---------------------------------------- y"","","","" A Form Text Field = the name of the form text field. = the maximum length allowable within the form text field. = 'm' for mandatory. 'p' for password. = a value to populate the form text field with. ---------------------------------------- z"","","","","" A Form Textarea Field = the name of the form textarea field. = the number of columns for the textarea field. = the number of rows for the textarea field. = 'm' for mandatory. = a value to populate the form textarea field with.